The Monkees In A Ghost Town Interview

Bob:Hey Mike? Show's over. What're you doin', babe.

Mike (stands up from painting on his director's chair):Putting a, putting a name there on the back of my chair.

Bob:What is it?

Mike:"Lauren St. David" is the name.

Bob:Why? Wh-- I mean why, why you put that, uh, name on the chair?

Mike:Lauren St. David?


Mike:I, I don't want anybody to recognize me.

(Bob laughs.)

Davy(holds up a camera filter): What is this? Somebody? Please? Sir?

Peter:Anybody, speak out.

Davy:Mr. Cameraman?

Cameraman (from off-camera):"Half-net".

Davy:Half-net. Everybody, this is a half-net.

Peter (mocking Davy's accent): It's not a "hahf-net" you idiot, it's a ha--

Micky:What is this?

Davy:This here--

Micky:This is a blue gel.

Davy:Now this is a, a messed-up, double--

Bob:Hey, Davy? Davy, wait a minute. What, if, if you saw that thing'n you didn't know what it was, what would you guess it was?

(Micky laughs.)

Davy:In my opinion, I'd say that was a "K." An' I just did it.

Peter:See, no, you got it the wrong way around. It's the electronic symbol for a transistor.

(Bob mumbles something...)

Davy:Or, if you put it that way, if you--

Bob:Hey, Mike, there's a whole bunch of 'em down by your feet. What are they?

Mike:This here? (Picks up small pile.)


Mike:Uh. They're a uh, deck of cards in disguise.

Bob:A what?

Mike:Deck of cards in disguise.


Peter:Alright do a card trick, Mike. Do a card trick.

Mike:You want me to do a card trick?

Peter:Do a card trick. Do a card trick.

Mike:Uh... I gotta shuffle 'em first. (Mock shuffling.)...didn't see that didja?

(Bob giggles.)

Mike:Pick a card, any card.

Peter:Any card?

Mike:Any card.

Peter:Just any card anywhere?

Mike:Any, any card you wanna pick!

Davy:Uh they-- they're not real cards, though.


Mike:Cool it, will ya please? (to Peter) Okay. You look at it?


Mike:It's the uh... King of Spades.


Peter:How-- how did you know?!

Davy:Come on!

Peter:Come on, how did you know...?

Mike (laughing smugly):It's the only one missing.

Bob:I don't believe it.


(Peter and Davy throw their filters at Mike.)

Bob:G'night fellas.



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