The Monkees In Manhattan Interview

Bob:You've reached a certain amount of success. If that were suddenly, like, taken away-- wiped out-- where would you be today?

Peter:I'd go back to The Village and be a folk singer.

Bob:How 'bout you, Davy?

Davy:I'd go back to The Village and watch him be a folk singer.


Mike:I'd probably go burn The Village. (laughter)

Micky:I'd probably be dating my science teacher.

Bob:Hey, Peter, is there something that you'd really want, uh, that you'd really flip out over?





Davy (laughing):Ursula Andress.


Davy:Ursula Andress. No, a jet. Y'know those little jets?


Davy:'Cause Mike can fly it.

Mike:Well, ah, I wouldn't really buy anything like that, y'know. I mean, there's no-- the things that money can buy, I can almost buy, I suppose-- Uh, thanks, Dave. The only thing that you can, uh... We've all got what we want, man.



Bob:Yeah, what, babe?

Micky:What would I buy?


Micky:Well, I kinda look at it-- I--

Peter:If-if-if you could buy something that money couldn't buy, what would you buy?


Mike:Which is weird.

Micky:If I, if I could-- if I was gonna buy something, I kinda look at it the opposite way around. I figure when, when you have enough money, then, then you don't need all the, all the material stuff around ya. I'd like to, I'd like to buy--

Mike:Sure you do.

Micky:--big city blocks of buildings and plant orange groves.

Mike:Hey, I gotta tell you of a very freaky idea--


Mike:--that, a local, uh, guys-- uh, a local gang-- gang of guys is propogating now.

Bob:What's that?

Mike:And that is digging things that are ugly. Y'know? The Hearts and Flowers do that, you see-- that's a group-- and, uh, they say that in order to dig things, uh, that are pretty takes no special talent. What it really takes a talent to do is dig something ugly.

Bob:Like what?

Mike:Well, I don't know. You dig something like a garage door, y'know. I mean, how many people say "OH! Look at that garage door," y'know? I mean, you get a lot of this stuff: "Oh, what beautiful azaleas." That doesn't--

Bob:Does that apply to, uh, people, too?

Mike:Well, it applies to you a lot, Bob.

Bob (laughing):Thanks, baby.

Davy:I think I--

Mike:I think we oughta go on a National Monkees Love Something Ugly This Week.

Davy:Yeah. Man you better watch out for these guys.

Mike:You are not. I'm uglier than you.

Davy:You are not. I'm the ugliest.

Mike:I'm the ugliest! It's me, it's me, it's me!

Micky:All right! I lose! (laughs)

(Peter sneezes)

Davy:Wait, Keeva-- come here a minute. C'mere. C'mere. Wait, man. Wait, man.

Peter:(to Keeva Johnson, makeup artist for The Monkees TV show, blocking his shot) Will you get out of my key, please?

Davy:Just fixin' your face up, man.

Keeva (laughing):Okay, alright.

Davy:There you go. Okay. Go on, man. You're okay now. Where's your glasses, man? Oh--

Keeva:Okay, alright.

Davy:--wait, wait. Okay. (turns to camera) I'd like you all to know that this is Keeva. Now Keever's our make-up man, man. He's the greatest guy in the world. Well--

Bob:Does he make-- What does he do for you?

Peter:He makes up.

Davy:He makes up, man.

Bob:Hey, Keeva--

Peter:If we have a fight, he makes up.

Davy:If we have a fight--

Bob:Wait a minute. Wait, let me ask you something--

Keeva:Uh, yes?

Bob:--really, while the boys are there. Is it difficult working with these guys?

Keeva:No, I, I, I like 'em very much, so uh it's not difficult. I'm a father.

Davy: (grabs Keeva's shirt)Say something better than that, Keeva! (Davy hugs him.)

Bob:Mike, this afternoon we had lunch--

Peter:(off camera) Hi, Bob. (He walks through Michael's shot.)

Bob:--and you said the one thing you really wanted was a house. And I want to know why that's so important to you to have your own house. (laughter) No, I mean I don't know why.

Mike:Why do I want a house?

Bob:Yeah. Why?

Mike:Why do you like that shirt, Bob? "...Why do you want a house?" To keep the wind off of me. (laughter, Mike looks around in disbelief) It's unbelievable! (laughs) ...Why do I want a house? (sighs in amusement) Well, when it rains, you get wet if you live in a parking lot.


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